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By Anuar Malek
Timeshare presentations has become one of essential and effective method of advertisement and marketing for timeshare companies offering timeshare properties. Through timeshare presentations, opportunities to purchase timeshare to those who might be interested in investing in this segment of the travel industry are shown.
When attending any timeshare presentations, following can be your guideline before you commit to purchase your preferred timeshare package.
During the Presentation
– Write down everything.
Whatever you do and agree upon after a presentation put it into writing so that everything is legitimate and well documented. Write other details as well that will help you in the decision making process.
– Make Evaluation.
Evaluate what you have written during the presentation. Know exactly what you are getting. For example, they may offer to give you free breakfast but is it fit for a king? They say the room is equipped with a TV set. Dig further whether it has cable channels. Know if everything you paid for is worth your money.
After the Presentation
– Take your time in making your final decision.
Go through the contracts and understand every terms and conditions stipulated. Be safe and have a disclaimer in signing a timeshare contract. It should state that the contract will be cancelled within specific days without penalty or charge if the benefits and services are not truly available or misrepresented then your money should be refunded within a week’s time.
Make sure to include in the disclaimer that this specific contract supersedes all other contracts in this transaction. By taking this necessary precaution, you are rest assured that you are on the safe side. And if you wish to cancel your contract, do not wait any longer and have it officially cancelled.
– Get the number of the person or company to be contacted for the purchase as well as the cancellation fax number. This way if you get the contract and read something in it that you do not like, you automatically have the manager’s number to call for the necessary negotiation or cancellation.
Timeshare presentations are good venues to find the right timeshare offer you want to take. But the best thing to do is to go to several presentations for more offers you might want to buy for your dream vacation.
About the Author: Anuar Malek provides more information on timeshare presentations at
– a website that explain and appreciate the concept of timeshare
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