Bloody Stool How To Identify The Cause Of The Blood In Your Feces

By Bello Gbenga

One of the commonest symptoms of diseases of the rectum and anus is the passage of blood per rectum. Hemorrhoids in particular are usually associated with this symptom, however although rectal bleeding is the principal symptom of hemorrhoids, this symptom is not peculiar to hemorrhoids alone.

If you are experiencing this symptom you can recognize the cause of the bleeding by observing certain characteristic features of the bleeding.

The two main features by which you can distinguish the different causes of rectal bleeding are:

1-The manner of appearance of the blood

2-The color of the blood

Appearance of the blood

Bleeding through the anus may appear in four different ways:


1-Blood mixed with feces: The stool is completely mixed with blood. This type of bleeding comes from a disease of the upper part of the large intestine, where the softness of the stool and the time left for the movement of the stool out of the body is still enough for mixing with the blood.

A good example of the causes of this kind of rectal bleeding is cancer of the colon.

2-Blood on the surface of the feces: Blood might streak the surface of the stool when there are diseases of the lower part of the large intestine or the rectum or the anal canal. A common cause of this type of rectal bleeding is cancer of the rectum.

Also anal fissures are associated with this type of rectal bleeding, but they are typically accompanied with severe pain during defecation.

Bleeding piles sometimes also causes streaking of feces with bright red blood.

3-Blood separate from feces: When bleeding follows defecation, then it is probably from an anal condition like hemorrhoids, however if the blood is passed out without any defecation, it could be that blood has accumulated enough in the rectum so as to stimulate a desire to move bowels. This is most likely due to blood from a rapidly bleeding cancer or inflammatory disease of the intestines or diverticulitis.

Also passage of blood out of the anus without defecation could also be due to the blood that has passed down rapidly from high up in the gut from a bleeding meckels diverticulum or from a bleeding peptic ulcer.

4-Blood on the toilet paper: This is usually caused by minor bleeding which causes some blood to be left on the anal skin after defecation, this is due to bleeding from anal conditions like anal fissures or hemorrhoids.

However the bleeding of anal fissures is always accompanied by severe pain during defecation.

Color of the blood

– Altered blood which has been degraded by intestinal enzymes and bacteria has a black color, this black starry stool is known medically as melaena stool. This bleeding must be from a point ,high in the intestinal tract to have enough time to be degraded into this black colored stool before it reaches the rectum.

A typical cause of this type of rectal bleeding is peptic ulcer disease.

– Dark red blood like red wine is usually from a disease of the upper part of the large intestine like cancer of the colon.

– Bright red fresh blood is caused by diseases of the lower rectum and the anal canal, the most common causes of this type of bleeding are anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

Bleeding piles which are still the commonest cause of rectal bleeding are typically characterized by the passage of painless blood which usually comes out after defecation to stain either the toilet bowl or the tissue paper used to wipe the anus after stooling.

So how can you stop bleeding hemorrhoids?

About the Author: You are invited to visit

to learn about how you can use natural bleeding plies treatment to stop the bleeding symptoms. Finally

click here

to read a free report on natural hemorrhoids treatment.


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